
For those fellow book lovers out there who are interested in which novels I'm reading, here is a list of the books I have read most recently, with the current tome listed at the bottom.
  1. The Boticelli Secret by Marina Fiorate.  Really intriguing adventure set in early Italy. A young prostitute and a noble monk must work together to unravel and fight a large, master plan. I loved this book, a real page turner.
  2. Botchan by Natsume Soseki.  A book club book.  A Japanese classic about a young man sent to a remote village to teach rebellious school children, while trying to cope with scheming and condescending peers. I enjoyed this, but was glad that it was relatively short.
  3. Day After Night by Anita Diamant.  A book club book.  About WWII survivors, stuck in a British 'refugee' camp without papers in Palestine, each trying to forget their losses while honouring memories. Beautifully written.
  4. The Return of Captain John Emmett by Elizabeth Speller.  Not only is the front cover eye catching, the story sounds interesting. It's about Laurence, who has endured WWI, the loss of his wife and baby ... and how he is drawn out of his shell by an old acquaintance who wants his help in finding out why her brother killed himself. Set in the UK (so far). For opening line go to Blog #3! I have put this down for the time being to read ...
  5. Anna Karenina by Leo TolstoyA book club book. Enough said. See le blog for some initial commentary! Surfice to say, I think I am going to enjoy this epic!